10 Year Suspension for former Director of Pemex

10 Year Suspension for former Director of Pemex

Mario Avila Lizarraga, director of Pemex unit's responsibilities, between 2010 and 2012, was banned by the Ministry of the civil service after finding various irregularities in their functions, such as the signing of 12 agreements with Oceanography and using planes of the oil for personal purposes.

CAMPECHE-as a result of the investigations of the case of Oceanography, the Ministry of public function (SFP) disqualified the former Deputy Director of maintenance and logistics of Pemex exploration and production, Mario Avila Lizarraga, by irregularities in his position at the unit's responsibilities of Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

According to the record 0110 / 2015, Mario Avila only was disabled, of August 12, 2015 until August 8, 2025, without having to cover any economic sanction.

Thus, Mario Avila Lizarraga, former candidate of the PAN Governor of Campeche may not belong to public administration for a period of 10 years, after that it violated procurement procedures during cargo which played from 2010 to 2012.

The Ministry of public function acted in response to investigations by the unit's responsibilities of Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex), after a resources of administrative procedure lodged by the Mexican oil company against the former staff member of the paratestal, by the alleged firm mistimed an addendum for Oceanography, dated 5 December 2012 When he was out of his office that concluded on November 30, 2012.

Also from the research was that Mario Avila came into conflict of interest, by signing 12 millionaires contracts with Oceanography and using planes of the Pemex company, for personal affairs.

In addition, he traveled without permission on weekdays and non-authorized travel expenses.

In this respect the municipal leader of the party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Luis Felipe Moo Turriza, considered that it is not enough the disqualification for 10 years to Avila Lizarraga but requiring a punishment exemplary by the abuses committed in his position at Pemex exploration and production.

The legislator called prison for Mario Avila, as he was rewarded with this charge in Pemex only have been losing the PAN candidate for Governor and went on to join the ranks of millionaires in this country.

Source: - El Financiero - http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/economia/sfp-inhabilita-por-10-anos-a-ex-funcionario-de-pemex.html
